Acidity, Hyper tension, Diabetes control, natural way

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Japanese professor did surprising research.

1. *Acidity* not only caused by diet errors, but more dominated because of

2. *Hypertension* not only caused by too much consumption of salty foods,
but mainly because of errors in *managing emotions*.

3. *Cholesterol* is not only caused by fatty foods, but the *excessive
laziness* is more responsible.

4. *Asthma* not only because of the disruption of oxygen supply to lungs,
but often *sad feelings* make lungs unstable.

5. *Diabetes* not only because of too much consumption of glucose, but
selfish & *stubborn attitude* disrupts the function of the pancreas.

True cause of any disease are :
*Spiritual* 50%
*Psychic* 25%
*Social* 15%
*Physical* 10%

If we want to be healthy, *fix our mind*. & *FOR THAT*….Do regular
practice of yoga, pranayam, & *meditation*…which will strengthen ur soul
& mind….Dont search a reason for not getting time for this…if u don’t
find time then it proves that you are lazy….isn’t it?…. It is after all
ur choice whether to invite all above diseases or to strengthen u by
adopting *Yoga*,and *Meditation*.